Friday, July 29, 2016

NYC Trip and First Projects

I've been a bit MIA lately, but I just got back from our trip to New York! We went for about a week and got to see Ken Griffey Jr. get inducted into the hall of fame with our cousin from Ohio. My husband and I then drove to the city and spent a few days there. Since traveling has become incredibly expensive, I chose to save space in my carry on by not bringing my computer. Hence the long wait for a second post!

While in New York City, I got to cross off a big item on my Bucket List: see a show on Broadway in NYC! This year for Valentine's Day, my husband bought tickets for us to go see Aladdin. Of course, it had to be a Disney show :) I also went into the Disney Store in Times Square, which just happens to be two stories--I was a kid in a candy store!! Of course, we did some main tourist locations: Niagra Falls, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, 9/11 Museum and Tribute Center, Central Park, and the Natural History Museum. All amazing, and educational, sites! Now, when I introduced myself I stated that my husband and I had a love of baseball. So naturally we needed to cross a stadium off of our list: Citi Field. What a beautiful home for the Mets. Sadly, they lost but getting to experience another stadium was exciting. Two years ago, I brought my husband back to Washington from Ohio and we made it a trip of baseball stadiums so it has become a tradition of ours. My husband even has a map that pins the stadiums we've been too. Next on our list is the AT&T Stadium in San Francisco which we get to visit in September.

Ok, back to the educational stuff! I've slowly been prepping things for my classroom. As I posted last time, I've changed the theme to a Disney theme so I've had to redo some bulletin pieces. Thankfully, I got into my classroom for a bit a few weeks ago and arranged my student desks and got some laminating done. These will turn into the pieces I need for my Word Wall and student jobs bulletin board.

Next on my list are call sticks. Now this isn't the only method I use for calling on students, but it works! I paint half of the stick one color and the other half another that way, I don't have to remove the stick once I've used it. After a few months, the kids catch on about the colors, but I mix it up and don't make a big deal about which color I choose which keeps the kids on their toes. I mostly use the call sticks for choosing students to go to the interactive white board. All of the kids of course want this opportunity, but know the fair choice is to pick a stick.
After this project, I have a few FUN projects for myself to do. First, I have a stool and rocking chair to paint to coordinate to Mickey and Minnie's outfits. Yes, this project isn't educational in any way, but for me it brings the room together and adds a little personalization. I've read a couple of articles about what to hang on classroom walls and classroom decorations and I have a principal who's not 100% about making the room cute--but I agree. I want my room to be welcoming and fun for the kids, but that doesn't mean my room is going to puke Disney. Anything I put on my walls is strictly useful for the students during their learning and is student work throughout the year.  Take a look at some of the articles and leave comments below about what you think! There are some points I agree with and some I disagree with, but I understand the point :)

Bare Walls Theory-NBC News
Pinterest Isn't Pedagogy-Texas Library Association

As we get closer to the school year, I can't wait to share more photos of what I've done and how my classroom is set up! I think the classroom reveal is one of my favorite parts about the beginning of the year! I'd love to hear about your favorite part about the beginning of year! Please share below as well as share pictures if you have any :)

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